14 July, 2006

"It was despicable when the Republicans used the photos of 9/11 for political purposes. Was that despicable?"

Why are these self righteous assholes like Buyer making such a fuss about pictures of flag draped coffins? Why are they so afraid to show them coming in at Dover, Md. They along with the coward george bush who sent them there and who hasn't attended one soldiers funeral should be the ones apologizing to the military families.
Republicans blast Emanuel for coffin pictures Chicago Tribune: "Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Steve Buyer (R-Ind.) complained that Democrats were cheapening the service and sacrifice of military members for political gain.

'To Rahm Emanuel, to remove the shame you made by your mistake, the first thing you do is stop the rhetoric, shut your mouth, you clean up the mistake and then you apologize to the military families in this country,' Buyer said."

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