22 November, 2006

Daddy bush can't stand the criticism--who the fuck cares?

None of the bush crime family ever earned an honest dime in their life nor spilled a drop of blood in any of the wars they've had their fingers in. Daddy bush needs to head on back to Houston and have a nice cup of SHUT THE FUCK UP. The American public and the rest of the world have had enough of this clan for a lifetime.
Elder Bush takes on son's Arab critics - Yahoo! News: "We do not respect your son. We do not respect what he's doing all over the world,' a woman in the audience bluntly told Bush after his speech.
Bush, 82, appeared stunned as others in the audience whooped and whistled in approval.
A college student told Bush his belief that U.S. wars were aimed at opening markets for American companies and said globalization was contrived for America's benefit at the expense of the rest of the world. Bush was having none of it.
'I think that's weird and it's nuts,' Bush said. 'To suggest that everything we do is because we're hungry for money, I think that's crazy. I think you need to go back to school.'"

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