17 March, 2005

The Black Commentator - Freedom Rider: Uncle Toms and Turncoats

The Black Commentator - Freedom Rider: Uncle Toms and Turncoats - Issue 130: "America has no shortage of sell outs and traitors. We are awash in good-for-nothing sell out colored preachers. Traitorous Democrats in Congress help corporations enslave us through an atrocious bankruptcy bill. The media sell us out every day when they choose to tell us all about the latest celebrity divorce but ignore the Bush meltdown in the international community or the death toll in Iraq.
The latest stab in the back outrage is the growing number of black ministers who make a political and financial calculation to ally themselves with this most corrupt and unrighteous administration. Their cynicism and greed are so blatantly obvious that they come off as the unscrupulous always do, like lunatics making bizarre pronouncements that have no basis in reality."

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