13 March, 2005

Long Island: Running on Empty

You think gas at $2.35/gallon is expensive? That will be chump change compared to what it will be in a very few years.
The New York Times > New York Region > Long Island: Running on Empty: "If the cost of energy skyrockets, are the suburbs doomed? Would Long Island, already paying among the highest fuel and electricity rates in the country, become an unsustainably expensive place to live?
A way of thinking that says 'yes' is circulating, and has assumed tangible form in a video called 'The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream.' Made in Toronto by the independent producers Gregory Greene and Barry Silverthorn, it explores the idea that the world is running out of cheap petrofuels and predicts the utter ruin of North America's suburbs - and not in the distant future, but somewhere between 5 and 25 years from now."

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