01 July, 2005

Burn, Canada And Spain, Burn! / Look to the skies, see the wrath of God rain down on married gays! Will hockey and tapas survive?

This is what they sincerely believe, even though no one, not any Canadian, Spaniard or church leader, nor any homophobic U.S. senator, can exactly say how kids will be harmed. Just, of course, that they will. Will kids become premature alcoholics? Sexual deviants? Godless heathens? Wiccans and porn addicts and Danielle Steele fans? Will they get tattoos and pierce their labias and vote Green? Or will they merely suffer a ridiculously high divorce rate, 29 percent higher than the U.S. average, like they already do in the "morally virtuous" red states?
Burn, Canada And Spain, Burn! / Look to the skies, see the wrath of God rain down on married gays! Will hockey and tapas survive?: "Children are going to be horribly affected by legal gay marriage, somehow. This is what the ideologues wail. Children are going to be psychologically damaged and morally mauled and sexually preyed upon by those deviant homos with their crazy beliefs and bizarre sexual practices and their whips and chains and weird paraphernalia and gay agitprop literature and creepy homosexual hand puppets. "

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