11 July, 2005

We're Not in Watergate Anymore

If this Karl Rove affair does not open up a congressional investigation and the main stream media does not jump on this story as in the Watergate scandal then all hope is lost for the survival of the America we all love.
We're Not in Watergate Anymore - New York Times: "Mr. Fitzgerald made his bones prosecuting the mob,' intoned the pro-Bush editorial page of The Wall Street Journal, 'and doesn't seem to realize that this case isn't about organized crime.' But that may be exactly what it is about to an ambitious prosecutor with his own career on the line. That the Bush administration would risk breaking the law with an act as self-destructive to American interests as revealing a C.I.A. officer's identity smacks of desperation. It makes you wonder just what else might have been done to suppress embarrassing election-season questions about the war that has mired us in Iraq even as the true perpetrators of 9/11 resurface in Madrid, London and who knows where else."

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