12 September, 2005

After Katrina fiasco, time for Bush to go - baltimoresun.com

The disastrous federal response to Katrina exposes a record of incompetence, misjudgment and ideological blinders that should lead to serious doubts that the Bush administration should be allowed to continue in office.
After Katrina fiasco, time for Bush to go - baltimoresun.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Black man gets water to drink is carrying bottles and the Noosepaper calls it looting. White Women got a loaf of bread and she found it.
Bill Clinton caught with his pants down and the republicans scream it's about character.
GW Bush and all tied to him get caught with their pants down and the democrats and the people scream and they say it's politicizing it.
double speak, Newspeak orwellian pigs.
Damn right it's political.
You have stupid politics in a corrupt(bush admin and republicans)government and it is political.
People speak out against Bush and clan and their automatically labeled democrat and communist and socialist, and terrorist.
Their double speak, Newspeak orwellian pigs and the dems helped them by not being wise and informing the People of the hmm ununited states of America.
Wake the hell up BB has taken over.