24 September, 2005

Leader of the F.D.A. Steps Down After a Short, Turbulent Tenure - New York Times

It seems the bush Whitehouse hasn't had time to decide which spin to put on Dr. Crawford's abrupt resignation. Let's see, we have the 'getting a little strange on the side', some possible financial hanky panky, and oh yes, the too-cozy relationship with the pharmaceutical industry and an attitude of shielding rather than disclosing information. Could it be that Dr. Crawford is another political hack like the totally unqualified Michael Brown of FEMA? Or has mullah Pat Robertson been giving his expert advice from the RR crowd. My bet is on 'all of the above'.
Leader of the F.D.A. Steps Down After a Short, Turbulent Tenure - New York Times: "In recent weeks, consumer advocates and scientists inside and outside the agency had said scientific decisions were being warped by politics.
On Thursday, a commentary in The New England Journal of Medicine titled 'A Sad Day for Science at the F.D.A.' said that 'recent actions of the F.D.A. leadership have made a mockery of the process of evaluating scientific evidence,' disillusioned many scientists, 'squandered the public trust and tarnished the agency's image.'"

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