17 August, 2006

Iraqis: Reality worse than U.S. believes - The Olympian

Nationwide statistics during the past three years suggest that U.S. efforts to secure Iraq aren't succeeding.
"When L. Paul Bremer, then the top U.S. representative in Iraq, appointed an Iraqi Governing Council in July 2003, insurgent attacks averaged 16 daily. When Saddam Hussein was captured that December, the average was 19. When Bremer signed the hand-over of sovereignty in June 2004, it was 45 attacks daily. When Iraq had its elections for a transitional government in January 2005, it was 61. When U.S. forces killed Abu Musab al Zarqawi in June, it was up to 90."
Iraqis: Reality worse than U.S. believes - The Olympian - Olympia, Washington

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