25 August, 2006

US Congressional Report Highlights Intelligence Gaps on Iran's Nuclear Program

'Recognizing Iran as a Strategic Threat: An Intelligence Challenge for the United States,' released this week by House intelligence committee chair, Pete Hoekstra is another blatant attempt to fit policy around a bunch of unsupported so-called facts.
"The report gives, I think, an exaggerated view of what Iran is actually doing, and then it turns around and criticizes the intelligence services for not coming to the same conclusion that they have come to," Sick said. "And that looks very much like the kind of process that we had prior to the invasion of Iraq, and the one that came in for such tremendous criticism after we went into Iraq. I would really hate to see us going down that road a second time."
VOA News - US Congressional Report Highlights Intelligence Gaps on Iran's Nuclear Program: "But Sick, who currently teaches Middle Eastern affairs at Columbia University in New York, says the House Intelligence Committee report released Wednesday is riddled with inaccuracies, including a statement that 'Iran is currently enriching uranium to weapons grade' at the country's Natanz nuclear facility.
'Well, that site is actually under inspection by the IAEA, and it has produced thus far probably less than a gram of enriched uranium, and that enriched uranium is not at weapons grade. They [the committee] are simply making statements that are not true,' he said."

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